Monday, May 3, 2010

The Move to New England...

I had a horribly depressing blog post earlier about moving and how miserable I was. Let me retract that. I deleted the post but I am also deleting the way I felt back then. I don't ever want to think about that again. I should have prefaced that post by saying that a big move during the winter is a very bad idea. Spring came and with it a supernatural kind of beauty. I would say that this is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. From the rolling hills lined with rock walls to the marshy sounds of the coast. You are always having your breath taken away. The only thing that rivals it is the South of France. When Matt and I were lodging in Nimes and other Provincial towns in college I had this overwhelming sense of awe. I was awe struck. Now, I am awestruck again. I can see why there have been hundreds of stories and paintings and illustrations drawn about this place and I would say that it is not enough. There could be millions and it still wouldn't be enough. New England is truly and honestly majestic.

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